# ReScript React Documentation for LLMs > ReScript React is a strongly typed interface for React, designed to integrate seamlessly with modern React (>= v18.0) while compiling to idiomatic JavaScript, enabling robust and scalable React applications. ## ReScript React Documentation - [Complete documentation](https://rescript-lang.org/llms/react/v0.10.0/llm-full.txt): The complete ReScript React documentation including all examples and additional content - [Abridged documentation](https://rescript-lang.org/llms/react/v0.10.0/llm-small.txt): A minimal version of the ReScript React documentation, with the essential content for quick reference ## Language Documentation - [ReScript documentation](https://rescript-lang.org/llms/manual/latest/llms.txt): This is the developer documentation for ReScript. ## Notes - The abridged documentation excludes the detailed examples, and supplementary information - The complete documentation includes all content from the official documentation - Package-specific documentation files contain only the content relevant to that package - The content is automatically generated from the same source as the official documentation for the specific version