# Arrays and Keys Whenever we are transforming data into an array of elements and put it in our React tree, we need to make sure to give every element an unique identifier to help React distinguish elements for each render. This page will explain the `key` attribute and how to apply it whenever we need to map data to `React.element`s. ## Keys & Rendering Arrays Keys help React identify which elements have been changed, added, or removed throughout each render. Keys should be given to elements inside the array to give the elements a stable identity: The best way to pick a key is to use a string that uniquely identifies a list item among its siblings. Most often you would use IDs from your data as keys: If you don’t have stable IDs for rendered items, you may use the item index as a key as a last resort: ### Keys Must Only Be Unique Among Siblings Keys used within arrays should be unique among their siblings. However they don’t need to be globally unique. We can use the same keys when we produce two different arrays: ## Rendering `list` Values In case you ever want to render a `list` of items, you can do something like this: We use `Belt.List.toArray` to convert our list to an array before creating our `array`. Please note that using `list` has performance impact due to extra conversion costs. 99% of the time you'll want to use arrays (seamless interop, faster JS code), but in some cases it might make sense to use a `list` to leverage advanced pattern matching features etc. # Beyond JSX JSX is a syntax sugar that allows us to use React components in an HTML like manner. A component needs to adhere to certain interface conventions, otherwise it can't be used in JSX. This section will go into detail on how the JSX transformation works and what React APIs are used underneath. **Note:** This section requires knowledge about the low level apis for [creating elements](./elements-and-jsx#creating-elements-from-component-functions), such as `React.createElement` or `ReactDOMRe.createDOMElementVariadic`. > **Note:** This page assumes your `bsconfig.json` to be set to `"reason": { "react-jsx": 3 }` to apply the right JSX transformations. ## Component Types A plain React component is defined as a `('props) => React.element` function. You can also express a component more efficiently with our shorthand type `React.component<'props>`. Here are some examples on how to define your own component types (often useful when interoping with existing JS code, or passing around components): The types above are pretty low level (basically the JS representation of a React component), but since ReScript React has its own ways of defining React components in a more language specific way, let's have a closer look on the anatomy of such a construct. ## JSX Component Interface A ReScript React component needs to be a (sub-)module with a `make` and `makeProps` function to be usable in JSX. To make things easier, we provide a `@react.component` decorator to create those functions for you: In the expanded output: - `makeProps`: A function that receives multiple labeled arguments (according to prop names) and returns the value that is consumed by make(props) - `make`: A converted `make` function that complies to the component interface `(props) => React.element` **Note:** The `makeProps` function will also always contain a `~key` prop. ### Special Case React.forwardRef The `@react.component` decorator also works for `React.forwardRef` calls: As shown in the expanded output above, our decorator desugars the function passed to `React.forwardRef` in the same manner as a typical component `make` function. It also creates a `makeProps` function with a `ref` prop, so we can use it in our JSX call (``). So now that we know how the ReScript React component transformation works, let's have a look on how ReScript transforms our JSX constructs. ## JSX Under the Hood Whenever we are using JSX with a custom component ("capitalized JSX"), we are actually using `React.createElement` to create a new element. Here is an example of a React component without children: As you can see, it uses `Friend.make` and `Friend.makeProps` to call the `React.createElement` API. In case you are providing children, it will use `React.createElementVariadic` instead (which is just a different binding for `React.createElement`): Note that the `~children=React.null` prop has no relevance since React will only care about the children array passed as a third argument. ### Dom Elements "Uncapitalized JSX" expressions are treated as DOM elements and will be converted to `ReactDOMRe.createDOMElementVariadic` calls: The same goes for uncapitalized JSX with children: # Components and Props Components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation. This page provides an introduction to the idea of components. ## What is a Component? A React component is a function describing a UI element that receives a `props` object as a parameter (data describing the dynamic parts of the UI) and returns a `React.element`. The nice thing about this concept is that you can solely focus on the input and output. The component function receives some data and returns some opaque `React.element` that is managed by the React framework to render your UI. > If you want to know more about the low level details on how a component interface is implemented, refer to the [Beyond JSX](./beyond-jsx) page. ## Component Example Let's start with a first example to see how a ReScript React component looks like: **Important:** Always make sure to name your component function `make` and don't forget to add the `@react.component` attribute. We've created a `Greeting.res` file that contains a `make` function that doesn't receive any props (the function doesn't receive any parameters), and returns a `React.element` that represents `
Hello ReScripters!
` in the rendered DOM. You can also see in the the JS output that the function we created was directly translated into the pure JS version of a ReactJS component. Note how a `
` transforms into a `React.createElement("div",...)` call in JavaScript. ## Defining Props In ReactJS, props are usually described as a single `props` object. In ReScript, we use [labeled arguments](/docs/manual/latest/function#labeled-arguments) to define our props parameters instead. Here's an example: ### Optional Props We can leverage the full power of labeled arguments to define optional props as well: **Note:** The `@react.component` attribute implicitly adds the last `()` parameter to our `make` function for us (no need to do it ourselves). In JSX, you can apply optional props with some special syntax: ### Special Props `key` and `ref` You can't define any props called `key` or `ref`. React treats those props differently and the compiler will yield an error whenever you try to define a `~key` or `~ref` argument in your component function. Check out the corresponding [Arrays and Keys](./arrays-and-keys) and [Forwarding React Refs](./forwarding-refs) sections for more details. ### Handling Invalid Prop Names (e.g. keywords) Prop names like `type` (as in ``) aren't syntactically valid; `type` is a reserved keyword in ReScript. Use `` instead. For `aria-*` use camelCasing, e.g., `ariaLabel`. For DOM components, we'll translate it to `aria-label` under the hood. For `data-*` this is a bit trickier; words with `-` in them aren't valid in ReScript. When you do want to write them, e.g., `
`, check out the [React.cloneElement](./elements-and-jsx#cloning-elements) or [React.createDOMElementVariadic](./elements-and-jsx#creating-dom-elements) section. ## Children Props In React `props.children` is a special attribute to represent the nested elements within a parent element: By default, whenever you are passing children like in the expression above, `children` will be treated as a `React.element`: Interestingly, it doesn't matter if you are passing just one element, or several, React will always collapse its children to a single `React.element`. It is also possible to redefine the `children` type as well. Here are some examples: **Component with a mandatory `string` as children:** **Component with an optional `React.element` as children:** **Component that doesn't allow children at all:** Children props are really tempting to be abused as a way to model hierarchies, e.g. ` ` (`List` should only allow `Item` / `ListHeader` elements), but this kind of constraint is hard to enforce because all components end up being a `React.element`, so it would require notorious runtime checking within `List` to verify that all children are in fact of type `Item` or `ListHeader`. The best way to approach this kind of issue is by using props instead of children, e.g. ``. This way it's easy to type check the constraints, and it also spares component consumers from memorizing and remembering component constraints. **The best use-case for `children` is to pass down `React.element`s without any semantic order or implementation details!** ## Props & Type Inference The ReScript type system is really good at inferring the prop types just by looking at its prop usage. For simple cases, well-scoped usage, or experimentation, it's still fine to omit type annotations: In the example above, `onClick` will be inferred as `ReactEvent.Mouse.t => unit`, `msg` as `string` and `children` as `React.element`. Type inference is especially useful when you just forward values to some smaller (privately scoped) functions. Even though type inference spares us a lot of keyboard typing, we still recommend to explicitly type your props (just like with any public API) for better type visibility and to prevent confusing type errors. ## Using Components in JSX Every ReScript component can be used in JSX. For example, if we want to use our `Greeting` component within our `App` component, we can do this: **Note:** React components are capitalized; primitive DOM elements like `div` or `button` are uncapitalized. More infos on the JSX specifics and code transformations can be found in our [JSX language manual section](/docs/manual/latest/jsx#capitalized-tag). ### Handwritten Components You don't need to use the `@react.component` decorator to write components that can be used in JSX. Instead you can write a pair of `make` and `makeProps` functions such that type `makeProps: 'a => props` and `make: props => React.element` and these will always work as React components. This works with your own version of `@obj`, or any other function that takes named args and returns a single props structure. For example: More details on the `@react.component` decorator and its generated interface can be found in our [Beyond JSX](./beyond-jsx) page. ## Submodule Components We can also represent React components as submodules, which makes it very convenient to build more complex UI without the need to create multiple files for each composite component (that's probably only used by the parent component anyways): The `Button.res` file defined above is now containing a `Label` component, that can also be used by other components, either by writing the fully qualified module name (``) or by using a module alias to shortcut the full qualifier: ## Component Naming Because components are actually a pair of functions, they have to belong to a module to be used in JSX. It makes sense to use these modules for identification purposes as well. `@react.component` automatically adds the name for you based on the module you are in. If you need a dynamic name for higher-order components or you would like to set your own name you can use `React.setDisplayName(make, "NameThatShouldBeInDevTools")`. ## Tips & Tricks - Start with one component file and utilize submodule components as your component grows. Consider splitting up in multiple files when really necessary. - Keep your directory hierarchy flat. Instead of `article/Header.res` use `ArticleHeader.res` etc. Filenames are unique across the codebase, so filenames tend to be very specific `ArticleUserHeaderCard.res`, which is not necessarily a bad thing, since it clearly expresses the intent of the component within its name, and makes it also very easy to find, match and refactor across the whole codebase. # Context Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. ## Why Context? In a typical React application, data is passed top-down (parent to child) via props, but this can be cumbersome for certain types of props (e.g. locale preference, UI theme) that are required by many components within an application. Context provides a way to share values like these between components without having to explicitly pass a prop through every level of the tree. **Note:** In ReScript, passing down props is way simpler than in TS / JS due to its [JSX prop punning](/docs/manual/latest/jsx#punning) feature and strong type inference, so it's often preferrable to keep it simple and just do props passing. Less magic means more transparency! ## When to Use Context Context is designed to share data that can be considered “global” for a tree of React components, such as the current authenticated user, theme, or preferred language. For example, in the code below we manually thread through a “theme” prop in order to style the Button component: Using context, we can avoid passing props through intermediate elements: # Elements & JSX Elements are the smallest building blocks of React apps. This page will explain how to handle `React.element`s in your React app with our dedicated JSX syntax. > **Note:** This page assumes your `bsconfig.json` to be set to `"reason": { "react-jsx": 3 }`, otherwise your JSX will not be transformed to its React specific form. ## Element Basics Let's start out by creating our first React element. The binding `element` and the expression `{React.string("Hello World")}` are both of type `React.element`, the fundamental type for representing React elements within a React application. An element describes what you see on the screen whenever you render your application to the DOM. Let's say you want to create a function that handles another React element, such as `children`, you can annotate it as `React.element`: Understanding the definition of a `React.element` is essential since it is heavily used within the React APIs, such as `ReactDOM.render(element, ...)`, etc. Be aware that JSX doesn't do any automatic `string` to `React.element` conversion for you (ReScript forces explicit type conversion). For example `
Hello World
` will not type-check (which is actually a good thing because it's also a huge source for subtle bugs!), you need to convert your `"Hello World"` with the `React.string` function first. Fortunately our React bindings bring all necessary functionality to represent all relevant data types as `React.element`s. ## Using Elements within JSX You can compose elements into more complex structures by using JSX: JSX is the main way to express your React application as a tree of elements. Sometimes, when doing a lot of interop with existing ReactJS codebases, you'll find yourself in a situation where you can't use JSX syntax due to syntactic restrictions. Check out the [Escape Hatches](#escape-hatches) chapter later on for workarounds. ## Creating Elements ### Creating Elements from `string`, `int`, `float`, `array` Apart from using JSX to create our React elements or React components, the `React` module offers various functions to create elements from primitive data types: It also offers `React.array` to represent multiple elements as one single element (useful for rendering a list of data, or passing children): **Note:** We don't offer a `React.list` function because a `list` value would impose runtime overhead. ReScript cares about clean, idiomatic JS output. If you want to transform a `list` of elements to a single React element, combine the output of `Belt.List.toArray` with `React.array` instead. ### Creating Null Elements ReScript doesn't allow `element || null` constraints due to it's strongly typed nature. Whenever you are expressing conditionals where a value might, or might not be rendered, you will need the `React.null` constant to represent *Nothingness*: ## Escape Hatches **Note:** This chapter features low level APIs that are used by JSX itself, and should only be used whenever you hit certain JSX syntax limitations. More infos on the JSX internals can be found in our [Beyond JSX](./beyond-jsx) section. ### Creating Elements from Component Functions **Note:** Details on components and props will be described in the [next chapter](./components-and-props). Sometimes it's necessary to pass around component functions to have more control over `React.element` creation. Use the `React.createElement` function to instantiate your elements: This feature is often used when interacting with existing JS / ReactJS code. In pure ReScript React applications, you would rather pass a function that does the rendering for you (also called a "render prop"): #### Pass Variadic Children There is also a `React.createElementVariadic` function, which takes an array of children as a third parameter: **Note:** Here we are passing a prop `"children": React.null` to satisfy the type checker. React will ignore the children prop in favor of the children array. This function is mostly used by our JSX transformations, so usually you want to use `React.createElement` and pass a children prop instead. ### Creating DOM Elements To create DOM elements (`
`, ``, etc.), use `ReactDOMRe.createDOMElementVariadic`: The function above requires the `ReactDOM.domProps` constructor function, so ReScript can make sure that we are only passing valid dom props. You can find an exhaustive list of all available props in the [ReactDOM](https://github.com/reasonml/reason-react/blob/master/src/ReactDOM.re#L61) module. **Warning:** The `ReactDOMRe` module will be removed in the next major `rescript-react` release, so use sparsely! ### Cloning Elements **Note:** This is an escape hatch feature and will only be useful for interoping with existing JS code / libraries. Sometimes it's required to clone an existing element to set, overwrite or add prop values to a new instance, or if you want to set invalid prop names such as `data-name`. You can use `React.cloneElement` for that: The feature mentioned above could also replicate `props spreading`, a practise commonly used in ReactJS codebases, but we strongly discourage the usage due to its unsafe nature and its incorrectness (e.g. adding undefined extra props to a component doesn't make sense, and causes hard to find bugs). In ReScript, we rather pass down required props explicitly to leaf components or use a renderProp instead. We introduced [JSX punning](/docs/manual/latest/jsx#punning) syntax to make the process of passing down props more convenient. # Forwarding Refs Ref forwarding is a technique for automatically passing a [React.ref](./refs-and-the-dom) through a component to one of its children. This is typically not necessary for most components in the application. However, it can be useful for some kinds of components, especially in reusable component libraries. The most common scenarios are described below. ## Why Ref Forwarding? Consider a FancyButton component that renders the native button DOM element: React components hide their implementation details, including their rendered output. Other components using FancyButton **usually will not need** to obtain a ref to the inner button DOM element. This is good because it prevents components from relying on each other’s DOM structure too much. Although such encapsulation is desirable for application-level components like `FeedStory` or `Comment`, it can be inconvenient for highly reusable “leaf” components like `FancyButton` or `MyTextInput`. These components tend to be used throughout the application in a similar manner as a regular DOM button and input, and accessing their DOM nodes may be unavoidable for managing focus, selection, or animations. There are currently two strategies on forwarding refs through a component. In ReScript and React we strongly recommend **passing your ref as a prop**, but there is also a dedicated API called `React.forwardRef`. We will discuss both methods in this document. ## Forward Refs via Props A `React.ref` can be passed down like any other prop. The component will take care of forwarding the ref to the right DOM element. **No new concepts to learn!** In the example below, `FancyInput` defines a prop `inputRef` that will be forwarded to its `input` element: We use the `ReactDOM.domRef` type to represent our `inputRef`. We pass our ref in the exact same manner as we'd do a DOM `ref` attribute (``). ## [Discouraged] React.forwardRef **Note:** We discourage this method since it will likely go away at some point, and doesn't yield any obvious advantages over the previously mentioned ref prop passing. `React.forwardRef` offers a way to "emulate a `ref` prop" within custom components. Internally the component will forward the passed `ref` value to the target DOM element instead. This is how the previous example would look like with the `React.forwardRef` approach: **Note:** Our `@react.component` decorator transforms our labeled argument props within our `React.forwardRef` function in the same manner as our classic `make` function. This way, components using `FancyInput` can get a ref to the underlying `input` DOM node and access it if necessary—just like if they used a DOM `input` directly. ## Note for Component Library Maintainers **When you start using ref forwarding in a component library, you should treat it as a breaking change and release a new major version of your library**. This is because your library likely has an observably different behavior (such as what refs get assigned to, and what types are exported), and this can break apps and other libraries that depend on the old behavior. # useContext Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. The `useContext` hooks gives access to such Context values. > **Note:** All the details and rationale on React's context feature can be found in [here](./context). ## Usage Accepts a `React.Context.t` (the value returned from `React.createContext`) and returns the current context value for that context. The current context value is determined by the value prop of the nearest `` above the calling component in the tree. ## Examples ### A Simple ThemeProvider # Build A Custom Hook React comes with a few fundamental hooks out-of-the-box, such as `React.useState` or `React.useEffect`. Here you will learn how to build your own, higher-level hooks for your React use-cases. ## Why Custom Hooks? Custom hooks let you extract existing component logic into reusable, separate functions. Let's go back to a previous example from our [React.useEffect section](./hooks-effect) where we built a component for a chat application that displays a message, indicating whether a friend is online or offline: Now let’s say that our chat application also has a contact list, and we want to render names of online users with a green color. We could copy and paste similar logic above into our `FriendListItem` component but it wouldn’t be ideal: Instead, we’d like to share this logic between `FriendStatus` and `FriendListItem`. Traditionally in React, we’ve had two popular ways to share stateful logic between components: render props and higher-order components. We will now look at how Hooks solve many of the same problems without forcing you to add more components to the tree. ## Extracting a Custom Hook Usually when we want to share logic between two functions, we extract it to a third function. Both components and Hooks are functions, so this works for them too! **A custom Hook is a function whose name starts with ”use” and that may call other Hooks.** For example, `useFriendStatus` below is our first custom Hook (we create a new file `FriendStatusHook.res` to encapsulate the `state` type as well): There’s nothing new inside of it — the logic is copied from the components above. Just like in a component, make sure to only call other Hooks unconditionally at the top level of your custom Hook. Unlike a React component, a custom Hook doesn’t need to have a specific signature. We can decide what it takes as arguments, and what, if anything, it should return. In other words, it’s just like a normal function. Its name should always start with use so that you can tell at a glance that the rules of Hooks apply to it. The purpose of our `useFriendStatus` Hook is to subscribe us to a friend’s status. This is why it takes `friendId` as an argument, and returns the online state like `Online`, `Offline` or `Loading`: Now let’s use our custom Hook. ## Using a Custom Hook In the beginning, our stated goal was to remove the duplicated logic from the `FriendStatus` and `FriendListItem` components. Both of them want to know the online state of a friend. Now that we’ve extracted this logic to a useFriendStatus hook, we can just use it: **Is this code equivalent to the original examples?** Yes, it works in exactly the same way. If you look closely, you’ll notice we didn’t make any changes to the behavior. All we did was to extract some common code between two functions into a separate function. Custom Hooks are a convention that naturally follows from the design of Hooks, rather than a React feature. **Do I have to name my custom Hooks starting with “use”?** Please do. This convention is very important. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to automatically check for violations of rules of Hooks because we couldn’t tell if a certain function contains calls to Hooks inside of it. **Do two components using the same Hook share state?** No. Custom Hooks are a mechanism to reuse stateful logic (such as setting up a subscription and remembering the current value), but every time you use a custom Hook, all state and effects inside of it are fully isolated. **How does a custom Hook get isolated state?** Each call to a Hook gets isolated state. Because we call useFriendStatus directly, from React’s point of view our component just calls useState and useEffect. And as we learned earlier, we can call useState and useEffect many times in one component, and they will be completely independent. ### Tip: Pass Information Between Hooks Since Hooks are functions, we can pass information between them. To illustrate this, we’ll use another component from our hypothetical chat example. This is a chat message recipient picker that displays whether the currently selected friend is online: We keep the currently chosen friend ID in the `recipientId` state variable, and update it if the user chooses a different friend in the `` element with `ReactDOM.Ref.domRef(textInput)` - In our `focusInput` function, we need to first verify that our DOM element is set, and then use the `focus` binding to set the focus React will assign the `current` field with the DOM element when the component mounts, and assign it back to null when it unmounts. ### Refs and Component Functions In React, you **can't** pass a `ref` attribute to a component function: The snippet above will not compile and output an error that looks like this: `"Ref cannot be passed as a normal prop. Please use forwardRef API instead."`. As the error message implies, If you want to allow people to take a ref to your component function, you can use [ref forwarding](./forwarding-refs) (possibly in conjunction with useImperativeHandle) instead. ## Exposing DOM Refs to Parent Components In rare cases, you might want to have access to a child’s DOM node from a parent component. This is generally not recommended because it breaks component encapsulation, but it can occasionally be useful for triggering focus or measuring the size or position of a child DOM node. we recommend to use [ref forwarding](./forwarding-refs) for these cases. **Ref forwarding lets components opt into exposing any child component’s ref as their own**. You can find a detailed example of how to expose a child’s DOM node to a parent component in the ref forwarding documentation. ## Callback Refs React also supports another way to set refs called “callback refs” (`React.Ref.callbackDomRef`), which gives more fine-grain control over when refs are set and unset. Instead of passing a ref value created by `React.useRef()`, you can pass in a callback function. The function receives the target `Dom.element` as its argument, which can be stored and accessed elsewhere. **Note:** Usually we'd use `React.Ref.domRef()` to pass a ref value, but for callback refs, we use `React.Ref.callbackDomRef()` instead. The example below implements a common pattern: using the ref callback to store a reference to a DOM node in an instance property. React will call the ref callback with the DOM element when the component mounts, and call it with null when it unmounts. You can pass callback refs between components like you can with object refs that were created with `React.useRef()`. In the example above, `Parent` passes its ref callback as an `setInputRef` prop to the `CustomTextInput`, and the `CustomTextInput` passes the same function as a special ref attribute to the ``. As a result, the `textInput` ref in Parent will be set to the DOM node corresponding to the `` element in the `CustomTextInput`. # Rendering Elements In our previous section [React Elements & JSX](./elements-and-jsx) we learned how to create and handle React elements. In this section we will learn how to put our elements into action by rendering them into the DOM. As we mentioned before, a `React.element` describes what you see on the screen: Unlike browser DOM elements, React elements are plain objects, and are cheap to create. React DOM takes care of updating the DOM to match the React elements. ## Rendering Elements to the DOM Let's assume we've got an HTML file that contains a `div` like this: We call this a “root” DOM node because everything inside it will be managed by React DOM. Plain React applications usually have a single root DOM node. If you are integrating React into an existing app, you may have as many isolated root DOM nodes as you like. To render our React application into the `root` div, we need to do two things: - Find our DOM node with `ReactDOM.querySelector` - Render our React element to our queried `Dom.element` with `ReactDOM.render` Here is a full example rendering our application in our `root` div: React elements are immutable. Once you create an element, you can’t change its children or attributes. An element is like a single frame in a movie: it represents the UI at a certain point in time. At this point we would need to understand a few more concepts, such as React components and state management to be able to update the rendered elements after the initial `ReactDOM.render`. For now, just imagine your React application as a tree of elements, whereby some elements may get replaced during the lifetime of your application. React will automatically recognize any element changes and will only apply the DOM updates necessary to bring the DOM to the desired state. # Router RescriptReact comes with a router! We've leveraged the language and library features in order to create a router that's: - The simplest, thinnest possible. - Easily pluggable anywhere into your existing code. - Performant and tiny. ## How does it work? The available methods are listed here: - `RescriptReactRouter.push(string)`: takes a new path and update the URL. - `RescriptReactRouter.replace(string)`: like `push`, but replaces the current URL. - `RescriptReactRouter.watchUrl(f)`: start watching for URL changes. Returns a subscription token. Upon url change, calls the callback and passes it the `RescriptReactRouter.url` record. - `RescriptReactRouter.unwatchUrl(watcherID)`: stop watching for URL changes. - `RescriptReactRouter.dangerouslyGetInitialUrl()`: get `url` record outside of `watchUrl`. Described later. - `RescriptReactRouter.useUrl(~serverUrl)`: returns the `url` record inside a component. > If you want to know more about the low level details on how the router interface is implemented, refer to the [RescriptReactRouter implementation](https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-react/blob/master/src/RescriptReactRouter.res). ## Match a Route *There's no API*! `watchUrl` gives you back a `url` record of the following shape: So the url `www.hello.com/book/10/edit?name=Jane#author` is given back as: ## Basic Example Let's start with a first example to see how a ReScript React Router looks like: ## Directly Get a Route In one specific occasion, you might want to take hold of a `url` record outside of `watchUrl`. For example, if you've put `watchUrl` inside a component's `didMount` so that a URL change triggers a component state change, you might also want the initial state to be dictated by the URL. In other words, you'd like to read from the `url` record once at the beginning of your app logic. We expose `dangerouslyGetInitialUrl()` for this purpose. Note: the reason why we label it as "dangerous" is to remind you not to read this `url` in any arbitrary component's e.g. `render`, since that information might be out of date if said component doesn't also contain a `watchUrl` subscription that re-renders the component when the URL changes. Aka, please only use `dangerouslyGetInitialUrl` alongside `watchUrl`. ## Push a New Route From anywhere in your app, just call e.g. `RescriptReactRouter.push("/books/10/edit#validated")`. This will trigger a URL change (without a page refresh) and `watchUrl`'s callback will be called again. We might provide better facilities for typed routing + payload carrying in the future! Note: because of browser limitations, changing the URL through JavaScript (aka pushState) cannot be detected. The solution is to change the URL then fire a "popState" event. This is what Router.push does, and what the event watchUrl listens to. So if, for whatever reason (e.g. incremental migration), you want to update the URL outside of `RescriptReactRouter.push`, just do `window.dispatchEvent(new Event('popState'))`. ## Design Decisions We always strive to lower the performance and learning overhead in RescriptReact, and our router design's no different. The entire implementation, barring browser features detection, is around 20 lines. The design might seem obvious in retrospect, but to arrive here, we had to dig back into ReactJS internals & future proposals to make sure we understood the state update mechanisms, the future context proposal, lifecycle ordering, etc. and reject some bad API designs along the way. It's nice to arrive at such an obvious solution! The API also doesn't dictate whether matching on a route should return a component, a state update, or a side-effect. Flexible enough to slip into existing apps. Performance-wise, a JavaScript-like API tends to use a JS object of route string -> callback. We eschewed that in favor of pattern-matching, since the latter in Rescript does not allocate memory, and is compiled to a fast jump table in C++ (through the JS JIT). In fact, the only allocation in the router matching is the creation of the url record! # Styling React comes with builtin support for inline styles, but there are also a number of third party libraries for styling React components. You might be comfortable with a specific setup, like: - Global CSS / CSS modules - CSS utility libraries (`tailwindcss`, `tachyons`, `bootstrap` etc.) - CSS-in-JS (`styled-components`, `emotion`, etc.) If they work in JS then they almost certainly work in ReScript. In the next few sections, we've shared some ideas for working with popular libraries. If you're interested in working with one you don't see here, search the [package index](https://rescript-lang.org/packages) or post in [the forum](https://forum.rescript-lang.org). ## Inline Styles This is the most basic form of styling, coming straight from the 90s. You can apply a `style` attribute to any DOM element with our `ReactDOM.Style.make` API: It's a [labeled](/docs/manual/latest/function#labeled-arguments) (therefore typed) function call that maps to the familiar style object `{color: '#444444', fontSize: '68px'}`. For every CSS attribute in the CSS specfication, there is a camelCased label in our `make` function. **Note** that `make` returns an opaque `ReactDOM.Style.t` type that you can't read into. We also expose a `ReactDOM.Style.combine` that takes in two `style`s and combine them. ### Escape Hatch: `unsafeAddProp` The above `Style.make` API will safely type check every style field! However, we might have missed some more esoteric fields. If that's the case, the type system will tell you that the field you're trying to add doesn't exist. To remediate this, we're exposing a `ReactDOM.Style.unsafeAddProp` to dangerously add a field to a style: ## Global CSS Use a `%%raw` expression to import CSS files within your ReScript / React component code: ## CSS Modules [CSS modules](https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules) can be imported like any other JS module. The imported value is a JS object, with attributes equivalent to each classname defined in the CSS file. As an example, let's say we have a CSS module like this: We now need to create a module binding that imports our styles as a JS object: **Note:** `{..}` is an open [JS object type](/docs/manual/latest/object#type-declaration), which means the type checker will not type check correct classname usage. If you want to enforce compiler errors, replace `{..}` with a concrete JS object type, such as `{"root": string}`. ## CSS Utility Libraries ### Tailwind CSS utility libraries like [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com) usually require some globally imported CSS. First, create your TailwindCSS main entrypoint file: Then, import your `main.css` file in your ReScript / React application: Utilize ReScript's pattern matching and string interpolations to combine different classnames: > **Hint:** `rescript-lang.org` actually uses TailwindCSS under the hood! Check out our [codebase](https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-lang.org) to get some more inspiration on usage patterns. ## CSS-in-JS There's no way we could recommend a definitive CSS-in-JS workflow, since there are many different approaches on how to bind to CSS-in-JS libraries (going from simple to very advanced). For demonstration purposes, let's create some simple bindings to e.g. [`emotion`](https://emotion.sh/docs/introduction) (as described [here](https://github.com/bloodyowl/rescript-react-starter-kit/blob/eca7055c59ba578b2d1994fc928d8f541a423e74/src/shared/Emotion.res)): This will give you straight-forward access to `emotion`'s apis. Here's how you'd use them in your app code: You can also use submodules to organize your styles more easily: Please note that this approach will not check for invalid css attribute names. If you e.g. want to make sure that only valid CSS attributes are being passed, you could define your `css` function like this as well: Here we used the already existing `React.Style.t` type to enforce valid CSS attribute names. Last but not least, you can also bind to functions that let you use raw CSS directly: Please keep in mind that there's a spectrum on how type-safe an API can be (while being more / less complex to handle), so choose a solution that fits to your team's needs.