Blogpost Guide

Here you can find all the information needed to write and publish a new blog post on


Clone the repo and follow the README instructions to run the local development server.

Open the localhost:3000/blog page to see the blog page.

Create a new file

Blogposts are located in the ./_blogposts directory. File name starts with the date to maintain a natural sort order:


For example, let's create a new file:

touch _blogposts/2020-01-30-my-new-blog-post.mdx

Refresh your browser within /blog. You should now see a warning for some malformed frontmatter data. Let's fix this!

Add Frontmatter Data

Each blogpost requires a certain set of meta information (so called "frontmatter"), otherwise it can't be displayed in the blog.

Frontmatter is put on the top of your file. Here is a fully working example of all available attributes:

--- author: hongbo co-authors: - chenglou - ryyppy date: "2017-10-01" previewImg: badge: release title: Bloomberg announces BuckleScript 1.0 description: | some multiline description ---
  • author: An author alias as defined in ./data/blog_authors.json

  • co-authors: A list of co-author aliases (same aliases allowed as in the author field)

  • date: A string date (always make sure to use the ", otherwise yaml will parse it as a date). The date format is "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm". All blog posts are ordered ascending by date.

  • previewImg: The image shown in the blog overview, which will also be used as a link preview image

  • badge: An additional badge on the blog, on top of the preview image. Available values are release, testing, preview, roadmap

  • title: The title of the article (h1 headline)

  • description: A description, which will be shown in the Featured blog post in the blog overview, and also as an introductory text in the blog article

For Maintainers: The implementation for the frontmatter logic can be found in the common/BlogFrontmatter.res module.

Writing Markdown Content

You can use all the markdown features available to this documentation platform.

Check out our markdown guide to get an overview over all available UI components.

Special _blogposts/archive directory

All blog posts that are put into the _blogposts/archive directory will be flagged as archived and not show up on the blog overview page.

We keep this directory around to hide old blog posts.